. 9.25.18 Willowblue Kaidu is the #2 Bengal in the World. The #1 short hair
cat in the S.E. Region and the #6 cat Nationally in the T.I.C.A. Registry. Sired by Champion Tailwinds Cesare of Willowblue (We have three of his daughters!)
To get your Show/Breeder kitten/cat home:
We have used CitizenShipper and U Ship to transport live animals and found their services to be safe and reasonable, we have found their couriers to be caring and kind. I am in no way associated with u-ship or CitizenShipper. We do have couriers to recommend.
I charge $700. shipping by air to most destinations in the US. Shipping is complicated at this end involving a great deal of time and travel. Deltaflies out of the Dothan, Alabama airport. That includes Delta's cost, a health certificate and a carrier, my gas and time. I live 40 miles from the Vet and 50 miles from the airport but it is a very slow trip as there is construction and the speed limit much of the way is 40mph. The Beaches International Airport ECP is about an hour away. We are also happy to meet you at at a near by airport.
We have achieved our goal of producing beautiful cutting edge Bengals! Many thanks to all of you who are helping us fulfill our dreams.
If you purchased a cat from us with an agreement to show a bit you need to get with the program and thanks to those of you who have honored our agreement.
We have produced many cats that have done well in the show halls. Brags and Congratulations to some of them below:
TICA Alter Champion Tailwinds Prince Jasper owned by Janice and John Dickerson.
CFA Grand Champion/TICA RW Grand Champion A-Kerrs Raised To Be Admired sired by GRC Tailwinds Bravado of Akerrs.
CFA RW GRC Tailwinds Pegasus of KS Bengals and his son GRC KS Bengals Bruce Wayne .
TICA Champion Tailwinds Astro Naughty Not of Cosmic Bengals.
How to avoid being scamed:
Don't pay for your kitten until you are holding your kitten!! Don't remit a sizable deposit unless you have already been face to face with the breeder at their facility. If I do not have a deposit I am not holding a kitten for you. No exceptions. You can pay a large non-refundable deposit to get on a Wait list...not knowing how long you will wait to get your kitten. Take photos of your kitten to avoid bait and switch.
Have you thought about the welfare of this kitten as your life goes on?
Purchasing this kitten gives you a life time obligation to it. This kitten is yours until "death do you part". If you marry it is still your cat, if you have children it is still your cat, if you move it is still your cat. Please be sure, as best you can, that the kitten/cat will always have a place in your life and a loving home with you. Having a pet is not a fad, it is a commitment . Please assess your future to be sure that having a pet really does work for you-now and forever! I know unforeseen things happen. I just want you to give this decision some careful thought. In the event that you could no longer keep the cat I would be happy to help you find it another home.
Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?
The Bengal cat is blessed with a very short pelt-like coat that requires little or no maintenance from the cat’s owner. The Bengal cat can maintain its coat with much less grooming than many other breeds of cat, grooming is less frequent, and the sessions are shorter in duration. This leaves less saliva to dry on the hair to ultimately become dander. In addition, in a normal household situation, healthy Bengal cats shed considerably less than other breeds. This lack of shedding, keeps dander that is still attached to the hair shaft from spreading as easily -
I hate to type and love to chat. If you would like further information please email me to request our phone number so that you can call me. I am hard of hearing so you will need some patience on the telephone! I would rather deal with the hearing loss than type. Most often questions asked in emails are answered here, that is one of the purposes of this page. This is all stuff I would tell you in a conversation. Prior to contacting me please read the information on this page as it will answer many of your questions. I am not going to have an email conversation with you. I will talk with you on a CaptionCall phone, what you say is typed for me to read. There is a very short lag time. We have a landline, no text.
To RW Supreme Grand Champion Willow Blue Rodrigo sired by Champion Tailwinds Ceasare of Willow Blue .
Please read every word in the Briefing section..all info I think is important !
I have raised top of the line Bengals for many years. You pay for your kitten while you are holding it. We do not require a large deposit to hold a kitten or get you on a wait list. We are a registered breeder, that means we paid TICA a fee so no one else can use our cattery name, Tailwinds. We do advertise on Hoobly, you may have found us there. There is a lot of false information, stated as facts, on websites. Just check it out. I would never remit a sizable deposit without having been to the Cattery in person, scammers are expert liars. I manage things the same way I did many years ago. Some new breeders think they have the right to determine what others should do. I like to treat folks the way I would like to be treated. Most contracts have so many strings attached you barely own the cat, you will notice there is a lot for the breeder and not too much for the consumer. If you prefer to use a contact I do have them available. Many beeders provide a fancy "Kitty Kit" for you, you inevitably pay for it and I know you want the fun of shopping for your new kitten.
TICA Champion Tailwinds Orpheus Song of Anjou.
Our cats are registered with The International Cat Association (T.I.C.A.)
Our cattery name , Tailwinds, is registered with
C.F.A. and T.I.C.A.
TICA RW Champion Tailwinds Galaxy Leo of Primo Bengals, 3rd Best Silver Bengal Nationally.
Breeder Cat/Kitten Requirements:
To purchase cats from me that you plan to use for breeding there are certain obligations you will have concerning housing and restrictions. If the cat is to be housed in a cage the dimensions of the cage will not be smaller than 8' x 6' x 6' and that the cat will have access to an exercise area and/or exercise equipment (exercise wheel). If the cat is a whole male you must provide photos of the facilities you have to house a whole male. You will be asked to send photos of your facilities. I do not like to place cats in "breeding only" homes, although occasionally I do. Some people expect to get rich producing and kittens, good luck with that. No matter where you live there are shows with in driving distance and you will be asked to give your Tailwinds cat a chance to become a champion. Many cats earn their Championship in one show . You will need to do socialization training with your cat . Play with a variety of teaser toys. Participating in a show is lots of fun! There are no guarantees for show achievements or capabilities for cats/kittens placed with show rights. Please be prepared to take the cat to at least two cat shows.
In addition you must submit the cats pedigree to www.bengalpedigrees.com this is not an option but a requirement you agreed to by purchasing a show/breeding cat from me. It is very easy as my cats are all represented there, you just add your cat ’s name and registration numbers of the parents. Bengal-data.com is another free pedigree site, includes health info. I can't figure out how to use it. :)
Flight CrewStuds
We are very proud of our beautiful Bengals, we have cats in other countries including Germany, England, Colombia, Canada, Neiderlands and Puerto Rico. As well as several premier catteries in America.
Briefing.. .
To TICA Champion Akerrs Marauder of Fractal sired by Tailwinds Bravado of Akerrs.
Please read the information on this site prior to contacting me. Some of your questions will be answered on this site, others can be answered when we have our telephone chat. More about all of this in the "Briefing" section below! Enjoy your visit and my lovely Bengals!
Jean Mill is the creator of the Bengal breed. I am honored to have the privilege of participating in a breeding program that continues to celebrate Jean's dream of Lap Leopards! I am a hobby breeder who raises sweet domestic short haired cats that are companions and pets. My favorite color is the BST, or brown spotted tabby. They most resemble a Leopard.
All pages scroll.
Our Cattery is open air. Our cats and kittens enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and they have the opportunity to develop very good immune systems. They love to bask in the sun. They have climbed trees, played in the leaves and chased butterflies. You will see that they are healthy, playful and loving!
What does the term "fuzzies" refer to ?
This is a generic description of natural coat changes occurring in Bengal kittens at approximately six weeks of age, when they are starting to explore and come out of their nest. Almost overnight a lovely silky contrasted coat becomes dull, ticky (light tipped hairs) and fuzzy looking. This occurrence is believed to be a natural camouflage which has come to the Bengal breed from their Asian Leopard Cat ancestors who needed the ability to be hidden from predators. Kittens are usually 12-14 weeks before fuzzies start to clear off.
Our cats have been tested for PRA-b and PKD by U.C. Davis .
The Bengal Standard in pictures viewed here
If you are looking for a cat for a breeding program I need to know the kind of home and life you have to offer, I need to know where you live too. Do you have facilities for a whole male? Send me a picture of where you will keep a whole male that sprays. Describe your plan to raise Bengals, do you have children, dogs, experience, help ? Tell me about you. Are you a registered breeder, are you going to be? Do you have a website? What are your plans and goals? I owe it to the cats to provide them with the best home possible.