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What is it going to cost you ?
Law prohibits the shipment of kits/cats going into pet homes, a pet buyer must have seen the kitten in person, or have selected the kitten in person to be shipped at a later date. You can no longer purchase a kitten sight unseen. I live in a rural area with no major metropolis near by. People who adopt my kitties often drive long distances. The price and the quality entice folks to do that! If I lived in a city prices would be about doubled. Please compare prices on the internet. Kittens/cats placed for show/breeding may be shipped, and are more expensive than pet kittens. We can recommend couriers we trust and have been happy with.
Kittens are discounted right now because of the inflation, price gouging and the cost of gas. Please inquire for kitten prices. kittens for breeding cost the most. Snow, silver add $100, and charcoal cost more. I offer a military discount. :) I also offer a discount to folks that are already a part of our Bengal family.
"Cana" is a sweet girl retired from our breeding program. Cana is a lap cat and loves to sleep snuggled up to me She is beautiful and playful. Her rehoming fee is very reasonable and I am very fussy about her new home. She is a bully so has to be the only cat, she needs to be the only cat on your lap and in your bed. She is spayed with current inoculations. She is 8 years and her paper work and registration are included. She would prefer to be an indoor/outdoor cat. A cat door would be great , she dos not stray and pretty much stays in our yard. Please give us a call if she sounds perfect for you. Ginny and Ted Landline 850 547 4747 Bonifay, Florida
We test our breeding cats for PK-D, PRA. We do not test fot HCM but many of our cats have been tested by other catteries and to my knowledge there has never been involvement, testing does not confirm that there can never be involvement. it confirms the cats condition on the day of the test.
Tailwinds Kittens 2
Charm at 12 weeks of age.
The centers of the spots are starting to "fall out" giving a hint of the beautiful rosetting these kittens actually have, even rosetted tails and wonderful wild chaotic placement of markings. Their coats are beautiful short tight pelts. They will have darkly outlined rosettes with light centers on a highly contrasted back ground color. The kittens are much prettier in person!
Charm is two weeks old in these photos !
Please scroll on down to see our available adult.....
How can I help my kitten/cat adjust to a new home?
The bathroom is a very busy place and a safe place to keep your new kitten while it gets used to your home, family and other pets. Your kitten is scared and very stressed. He is with strangers in a strange environment and none of his friends are there so he feels like he is alone too. His mother's comfort is no longer available either. Cats are much like men in that the key to winning their affection is with back rubs and yummy snacks! Provide special treats (deli turkey is good) to coax the kitten to come to you. Then hold him and love on him. Get teaser toys to engage him in play. All family members can participate. The smells of the kitten and your other pets will be carried back and forth on hands and clothing making each aware of the others presence making introductions less stressful. If you just plunk him down in the house he will most likely hide under the couch for a very long time. He then has potential to run out an open door and he will probably pee on your bed. You can bring him out to sit on your lap and watch TV but he can not be allowed to free roam your home, yet. He can be allowed to free roam your home when you go in the bathroom and he runs to greet you and clearly recognizes you as "his". That will be when all fear and stress is gone. This is NOT optional, If you are not willing to follow my instructions please do not purchase a kitten/cat from me.
(Remember no clumping litter for baby cats.) If you house is large you may need to have several litter boxes to begin with. Sometimes toddlers have a hard time getting to the potty box in time. Plastic storage containers with a hole cut in the lid make the best litter boxes for older kittens and cats.
Queens Mothers
See more beautiful Tailwinds kittens!!!
Tailwinds Canadair
Update 03/15/2025
Kittens are discounted right now because of the inflation, price gouging and the cost of gas. Please inquire for kitten prices. kittens for breeding cost the most, I offer a military discount. :) I always offer a discount to folks that are already a part of our Bengal family. Because prices are all ready rock bottom there are no other discounts at this time, kittens are discounted to the max.
How to purchase a kitten-
Choose a kitty from website photos on our Kittens page, or make an appointment with me to come here to select a kitten in person. A non-refundable deposit is required to hold a kitten for you. When you tell me you want a specific kitten and are sending a deposit I will hold the kitten/cat for you for seven days. Let me know when you have sent your deposit. If I have not received your deposit in seven days the kitten/cat will no longer be on hold for you and will be available for purchase by others. When I have your deposit I will indicate that your kitty is going home with you. Kittens are often ready to come home on an individual basis but I usually have a tentative release date at which time you can most likely bring your new baby home.
Flight CrewFathers
Bengal Kittens
Occasionally I have retired adults available. I don't keep individuals in my breeding program very long because I don't like them to be caged for too long...after all, they love having kittens but would rather be sleeping on some ones bed ! I some times retain a kitten and retire the parent. They must be altered in a pet home. If I rehome one of my retirees to a breeding situation I expect the purchaser to have the cats welfare foremost in their thinking and actions. Breeding the cat a time or two and placing it as an alter in a loving forever home.
Available Adult
Lena and Airborne have asilver girlsborn 11/14/24
Silver Charm !
Candu and Air Bourne have kittens due at the end of March, let us know if you want to be on the waiting list.
If you have an interest you will find my email when you are reading every word on my site!!
If I sent you photos it would be the same photos represented here. Once I send you my phone number you will need to call me, I will NOT have an email conversation with you, I like talking better than typing. I have a land line, no cell service here. No texting. 99% of the questions you might ask are already answered here on this site so please do not inquire further until you have read the Briefing page. How old is the kitten ? His birthdate is given by his litter pictures. Who are kittens parents? Names given by litter pictures, parents are pictured on this site. Kittens have a projected release date but they are not necessarily released then, we have to see how they are developing as individuals.
MALE two