Cats can have all raw bones and no cooked bones.  If you offer you cat a raw chicken leg in the bathtub it is easy clean up,   You just rinse the tub out with water!

Raw recipe:

5 lbs chicken, of which 1-2 pounds is organ meat
1-2 pounds beef
1-2 jars baby squash or ½ cup canned pumpkin

Some people add a raw egg yolk (I don’t) and some about ¼ cup whole milk yogurt.

Kitty Bloom, link:

Meat grinder, link:

Grind it all up, including the chicken bones. Freeze it in ziplock bags, keeps about 3-4 days once thawed. sells meat grinders for $99.00 and they’re very good.

Serve 1 mouse-sized serving for each (adult) meal and add the kitty bloom when you serve it (1/4 tsp per serving for an adult).  This supplement is important, don’t omit it.                                                                  
Coutesy of Anjou Bengals

Flight Crew Queens

Lena is strikingly beautiful.  She has awesome contrast and she is a sweet silver spotted tabby.

Candu with her sister Caidy.

​​Tailwinds Candu


Candu can produce charcoal and snow  and bown kittens.


​​Tailwinds  Catelena    

Queens Mothers

Lindys parents are Tailwinds Constellation and Willowblue Lindbergh

Flight Crew​Studs