Raw recipe:

5 lbs chicken, of which 1-2 pounds is organ meat
1-2 pounds beef
1-2 jars baby squash or ½ cup canned pumpkin

Some people add a raw egg yolk (I don’t) and some about ¼ cup whole milk yogurt.

Kitty Bloom, link:   www.kittybloom.com

Meat grinder, link:   www.NorthernTool.com

Grind it all up, including the chicken bones. Freeze it in ziplock bags, keeps about 3-4 days once thawed.  NorthernTool.com sells meat grinders for $99.00 and they’re very good.

Serve 1 mouse-sized serving for each (adult) meal and add the kitty bloom when you serve it (1/4 tsp per serving for an adult).  This supplement is important, don’t omit it.                                                                  
Coutesy of Anjou Bengals

Lena is strikingly beautiful.  She has awesome contrast and she is a sweet silver spotted tabby.

Candu with her sister Caidy.

​​Tailwinds Candu

Candu can produce charcoal and snow  and bown kittens.


​​Tailwinds  Catelena    

Queens Mothers

Lindys parents are Tailwinds Constellation and Willowblue Lindbergh

Flight Crew​Studs

Cats can have all raw bones and no cooked bones.  If you offer you cat a raw chicken leg in the bathtub it is easy clean up,   You just rinse the tub out with water!

Flight Crew Queens